Our aim is to revive those areas, in such a way so to sustain their historical and social identity as well as the current population. Our proposal is about reusing local material and also involving the inhabitants to a revitalizing process of the regions. The new constructions and public space will be influenced by the typologies of the old timber houses, which represent the heritage of the area. There are quite a few houses in both the sites that are almost completely demolished, retaining just some parts of their skeleton, in those relic places, we see a free space network that can be reused and turn into new key spaces of the regions that will provide the opportunity to a gradual revival. Those spaces can be reused either as urban public space, new housing mobile units and various local activities that can enhance the local economy. The material we are willing to use is mainly timber, because wood exists in abundance in Istanbul and also is a rather “smart” material to use for this geographic area since it experiences frequent earthquakes.
We want to involve the inhabitants to a reviving process, which will hold its own rules but also have a great flexibility. Temporal- mobile houses will be provided to the immigrants which will be placed on some of those in between spaces (ruins) or even on rooftops. The immigrants won’t be able to live in those shells indefinitely; they will have a specific timeline in which they should vacate the space. During this period, the immigrant will have the opportunity to gain some knowledge on specific crafts and especially to the timber construction so that he will be able to work on the maintenance of the area’s building stock. In exchange of his work, an existing derelict house will be granted to him. He will be able to make this house viable again, since he will by then have gained both knowledge and experience. Apart from housing, our project has a clear urban purpose, so in our detected free/derelict spaces, we will place vegetable gardens promoting the local production and economy, playgrounds for children, public mingle spaces and thematic sheds on the rooftops boosting the areas identity. In that way we are hoping that a gradual and mild “regeneration” will take place in the regions, sustaining its current population and identity and in the same time provide certain skills to people who have the need and will to know but lack the opportunity.
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